Sherrill News

October 2018

Halloween in Sherrill

October 27th, 2018|

Halloween in Sherrill There will be a warming fire near Reilly-Mumford Park on Halloween night and the bathrooms in the Rotary building will be open for the convenience of families.  Also remember to stop by the Sherrill-Kenwood Volunteer Fire Department for treats!     Please note these additional Halloween Park Regulations: LEGAL NOTICE             The [...]

Hydrant Flow Test October 11

October 7th, 2018|

Hydrant Flow Test October 11 The Sherrill-Kenwood Water Department will be conducting a Hydrant Flow test for ONX on Thursday October 11, 2018 starting at 8am.   Residents and businesses on East Seneca Street and Route 5 may experience low pressure and some discoloration of the water due to the tests.  Residents are advised to check [...]

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