Sherrill News

November 2018

Sherrill Holiday Light Contest and Christmas Tree Lighting

November 13th, 2018|

Sherrill Holiday Light Contest and Christmas Tree Lighting The holiday season is approaching! There has been discussion in town about the City’s plans for holiday lights and decorations and we want all to be assured that the City is eagerly anticipating putting lights and decorations up throughout the city in mid-late November, including of course [...]

Leaf Pickup

November 11th, 2018|

The DPW provides leaf pick up starting in late October or early November depending on when trees start shedding leaves.  Leaves shall not be containerized or bagged in any form, nor should they be placed on a tarp. All leaves shall be raked to the curb.  Do not place leaves in the roadway, on sidewalks, [...]

Sherrill Veterans Day Information

November 7th, 2018|

Sherrill American Legion Post 230 will hold a Veterans Day Ceremony on Sunday November 11 at 11am in Memorial Park and will host an open house at the Legion following the ceremony.  All are invited to attend. City of Sherrill offices will be closed on Monday, November 12, 2018 in observance of Veterans Day.  The [...]

October 2018

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