Sherrill News

March 2019

NYS Election Changes

March 28th, 2019|

New York State Election Changes New York State in late January amended State Election Law to change the day for primary elections from September to the fourth Tuesday in June, this year June 25, 2019.  This will impact the City commissioner election as well. By having the Primary election in June, this moves all the [...]

Winter 2019 Newsletter

March 4th, 2019|

The Winter 2019 newsletter is available to download here- Winter 2019 Newsletter It contains information about city services and events including programs at the Community Activity Center, news from the Sherrill Library, news from local groups like AYSO, Little League, the Sherrill Garden Club and the Sherrill Silversmiths and much more!

February 2019

Utica Comets at the CAC Monday March 4, 6pm

February 26th, 2019|

Come see the Utica Comets on Monday March 4 from 6-7pm at the Sherrill Community Activity Center, 139 East Hamilton Ave! Meet a couple of players, learn a little bit about what it’s like to play hockey, get an autograph and play in the gym! All are invited! The city’s normally scheduled youth center program [...]

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