Halloween Paint Night October 21
The Halloween Paint event is sold out! Thank you to everyone for their interest! We will post details about another family arts holiday ornament event soon!
The Halloween Paint event is sold out! Thank you to everyone for their interest! We will post details about another family arts holiday ornament event soon!
October 4 Update Please see the link below for an update regarding the September 28 police activity incident. If anyone has comments or questions please contact Sherrill City Manager Brandon Lovett or Sherrill Chief of Police Robert Drake. WKTV News Story September 30 Update The City of Sherrill Police Department and Oneida County Sheriff's [...]
2019 Yard of the Month Congratulations to the September 2019 winners! We're happy to announce that the Franklin yard at 317 Betsinger Road and the Siegfried yard at 139 Cedar Street were selected as the September winners! Make sure you walk, bike or drive by to check them [...]