Sherrill News

June 2020

July 4 Information- Garbage Pickup Thursday

June 28th, 2020|

City of Sherrill offices will be closed on Friday (July 3), Monday (July 6) and Tuesday (July 7) in combination of the observance of Independence Day and city workforce furlough day.  The city’s regular Friday (July 3) garbage pick-up will be Thursday (July 2) and residents are reminded that garbage needs to be to the [...]

Resident Use of Fireworks Reminders

June 18th, 2020|

Resident Use of Fireworks Reminders Residents are reminded that most fireworks are illegal in NYS.  Sparkling devices which include sparklers, snakes, poppers, and fountains are available to purchase in many counties across the state. It's only the second year these kinds have been legal.  However, all other types of consumer fireworks, including firecrackers, bottle rockets, roman [...]

Local Business & Organization Offerings

June 9th, 2020|

Many local businesses and organizations are adapting to the situation to work to continue to serve the community. We will update and add to this list as regularly as possible and please note that things may change. If you have information that you’d like to share please email [email protected] and we will work to include [...]

Blood Drive at Sherrill Legion June 16

June 8th, 2020|

Please visit for details about safety measures due to COVID-19 and other related information.

May 2020

Playgrounds Closed & Message to Sherrill Residents

May 31st, 2020|

The Governor has imposed additional restrictions related to COVID19.  Parks and open spaces are still considered “essential”. However playgrounds and other areas of congregation where social distancing cannot be abided are not. Following the Gov. order, the City has posted our “playgrounds” as closed. Open space areas in parks may still be used as long [...]

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