Sherrill News

September 2020

August 2020

City of Sherrill COVID-19 Updates

August 28th, 2020|

City of Sherrill COVID-19 Updates CAC Information- Updated 8/28/20 The City of Sherrill is preparing to reopen the Community Activity Center in mid-September.  Information about bowling guidelines and facility use is available at   Parks & Playground Information- Updated 6/16/20 Parks and open spaces in parks may be used as long as proper social [...]

Transfer Station Info, Shredding September 19 Cancelled

August 26th, 2020|

The City of Sherrill Transfer station is open on Saturdays, from 8am-1pm and Wednesdays from 4-7pm for Sherrill residents.  Residents may purchase coupons at City Hall or write a check, payable to the City of Sherrill, for items they drop off.  Please note- checks will only be accepted during this temporary time due to COVID-19.  [...]

September 11 Memorial

August 25th, 2020|

Sherrill September 11 Memorial The Sherrill Merchants Association will hold a ceremony in memory of the events of September 11, 2001 on Friday September 11 at 7pm in Reilly-Mumford Park.  Due to COVID-19, the ceremony will be limited to 50 people, there will be no seating and masks are required.  Individuals who wish to attend [...]

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