Water Department

909 West Hamilton Avenue, Sherrill, NY 13461
Phone- (315) 363-3754, Fax- (315) 363-0031

2025 Water Rate Update

Utility Accounts and COVID Information

Although a separate entity from the City of Sherrill, the independent Sherrill-Kenwood Water District acts and is commonly referred to as another department of the city. The water district is overseen by an independently elected Water Board. The first public water supply, in what is now the City of Sherrill, was provided sometime after 1901 by the Snell Spring located on top of Marble Hill. It flowed about three gallons per minute and served the public along Hamilton, Campbell and Ransom Avenues from faucets located in the street. In 1910 a 6″ cast iron water main was installed from the Downey Reservoir located on Peterboro Road to the Oneida Limited Sales Office in Kenwood. From there a 2″ wrought iron line was extended to Primo Avenue to meet the public’s need for water. In 1920 the Sherrill-Kenwood Water District was established by a New York State Charter. Also in 1920 the district constructed a number of spring boxes along the New York O&W Railroad. The water was sent to a pump house behind the Oneida Limited Sales Office by gravity where it was pumped out to the district. The first reservoir was also constructed in 1920, holding 2,000,000 gallons of water. In 1926 the City of Oneida constructed its Glenmore water supply system and the Sherrill-Kenwood Water District contracted to purchase its entire requirements of water from Oneida. This arrangement is still in effect today. The Sherrill-Kenwood Water District distribution system consists of approximately 25 miles of water main, 168 fire hydrants and 1,255 water services.

S-K Water District Charter

S-K Water District Index by Section

S-K Water District Current Rules and Regs

S-K Water District Proposed Rules and Regs

S-K Water District Rules and Regs Index

2024 Residential Water Rates

Water is billed to residents on a bi-monthly basis in the Sherrill-Kenwood Water District. The rate per 100 cubic feet is $4.06, additionally there is a customer charge of $25.00 per billing. For example, if a resident uses 1,000 cubic feet then the bill is $65.60. Customer charge of $25.00 and 1,000 cu ft. divided by 100 multiplied by the rate of $4.06 (1000/100= 10. 10*4.06=$40.60).

Certified Backflow Inspectors


Read the 2024 Sherrill-Kenwood Water Quality Report (AWQR) portion here:  2024 Water Report 

2024 City of Oneida Water Quality Report (AWQR) here: 2024 Water Report

Sherrill-Kenwood Rules & Regulations:


Have you ever noticed dark-brown or black slime on faucets, spouts, aerators, shower heads, pink/black stains in toilet bowls or other bathroom fixtures?