Zoning Board of Appeals

Joe Renwick, Chairman, [email protected] or (315) 264-2269

Nick Moshier, [email protected] or (315) 527-4849

Robert DeWaine, [email protected] or (315) 363-3539

Clint Smith, [email protected] or (315) 404-8075

Christopher Zupan, [email protected] or (315) 529-4217

The Zoning Board of Appeals meets monthly as needed.  Please contact City Hall, (315) 363-2440 for more information.

City of Sherrill/ZBA Meeting Update

In a correspondence received March 8, 2024, from Mr. Trafford’s attorney, on behalf of ONX3 LLC, the City was advised that the two use variance applications and one special use permit application pending before the City of Sherrill Zoning Board of Appeals have been withdrawn. After consideration of the requisite standards and requirements, it is the City’s understanding that Mr. Trafford intends to submit a new building permit application and refine, clarify, supplement, and submit subsequent Zoning Board of Appeals applications in the near future.

Therefore, the meeting previously scheduled for March 19, 2024, at 6:30 p.m. has been cancelled.

Any future hearing dates will be published via legal notice in the Rome Daily Sentinel at least 7 days prior to the meeting as required. The notice will also be posted to the City of Sherrill Website.

Any questions please contact Mike Holmes, Comptroller or Brandon Lovett, City Manager at 315-363-2440.


Please find building, sign and swimming pool permit information below.

Building Permit Guidelines and Application

Sherrill Sign Permit Application

Procedures & Application for Requesting a Variance Form

Zoning Board of Appeals Process & 2024 Meeting Date Information


Please click on the link below to download the City of Sherrill’s Zoning Regulations and information.

Zoning Regulations Adopted April 27, 2015

Zoning Regulations Schedule A

Sherrill Zoning Map