Sherrill Merchants Association 9/11 Memorial
The Sherrill Merchants Association will host a display of flags in Reilly-Mumford Park in memory of the events of September 11, 2001 and those who serve our country and community.
On Thursday August 24 the Sherrill Merchants Association will replace the o rings on the 200 flags from 6-8pm at the Sherrill Community Activity Center, 139 East Hamilton Ave. Volunteers are invited to come help out.
Individuals can purchase tags for the flags in honor of loved ones for $10. Please see the attached form-9-11 Flag Registration Form and contact Vicki Andrews, (315) 363-5638 for more information.
The Sherrill Merchants Association will host a ceremony at Reilly-Mumford Park at 7pm on September 11, 2017. All are invited to attend.