Sherrill News

January 2019

Sherrill Silversmiths Purse Bingo February 9

January 28th, 2019|

  Purse BINGO, Saturday February 9 at the CAC Enjoy a fun night out with a chance to win a designer purse!  Doors open at 3pm, BINGO starts at 5pm! Extra cards, games, basket raffles, 50/50, food and beverages will be available.  Tickets- $30  Proceeds from both events will benefit the Sherrill Silversmiths.  Register by [...]

Sherrill Winter Storm Information for Weekend of January 19

January 18th, 2019|

Sherrill City Manager Brandon Lovett and Sherrill Police Chief Robert Drake have issued a Snow Emergency for the City of Sherrill beginning at 12pm (noon) on Saturday January 19, 2019 until Sunday January 20, 2019 at 11:59pm.  Please see the information below and check back for updates during the weekend. According to WKTV a Winter [...]

Assessor Date Change

January 3rd, 2019|

One of the dates to process exemptions at City Hall has to be changed.  Instead of January 16 from 9am-12pm, Bob Comis, Assessor for the City of Sherrill, will be at City Hall on January 15 from 9am-12pm.  Any further changes will be posted here and emailed via the city's email list.  Please also note- [...]

December 2018

2018 Holiday Light Contest Winners

December 28th, 2018|

Congratulations to the 2018 Sherrill Holiday Light Contest Winners! Thank you to everyone who shared the holiday spirit by participating in our holiday light contest!  Congratulations to this year’s winners! Egan Family, 324 Betsinger Road Smith Family, 153 Cottage Place King Family, 139 Park Terrace

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