Snow Removal Reminders
Please remember these city snow removal guidelines as you prepare for the snow season:
-In most snowfalls, plowing operations begin between midnight and 4am, but the exact time depends on the predicted start and end of the snowfall and its intensity.
–Snow removal takes place in four steps. The first step is to apply brine (liquid salt) prior to the snow event beginning. Brine provides a barrier between the road surface and snow/ice which helps in the removal process. Step two is to apply granular salt if applicable, depending on the snowfall rate. Step three is removal of snow with City plow equipment. Step four is to apply granular salt where applicable. The main run for plowing consists of Seneca Street, Sherrill Road, Hamilton Ave., Betsinger Road, Kinsley Street, Campbell Ave., Ransom Ave. and Williams Street.
-Heavy or above-average snowfalls may require a multi-day operation to clear (in this order) streets, parking lots, sidewalks, trails and ice rinks. In an average snowfall, the goal is to clear streets within four hours.
-Sidewalk clearing is the responsibility of the property owner, however the City of Sherrill does its best to clear sidewalks with City equipment in a timely fashion, after streets and parking lots have been adequately cleared. To compliment the City’s sidewalk snow removal, please do not park vehicles across the sidewalks during or after a snow event that would hinder these efforts. Please do not place trash cans, bags or debris on the sidewalks.
-Clear snow from your property, but don’t push it into or across the street, or onto sidewalks and trails. Article 1219 of New York State VTL prohibits plowing, shoveling or blowing snow into a street or highway. Fines for a first offense may include up to a $150 fine and/or 15 days in jail, plus applicable surcharges.
-Vehicles cannot be parked on the public streets between 2-7am from November 1 until April 30. This includes the curb cut parking areas on Seneca Street, Sherrill Road, Robertson Road and Betsinger Road.
-Be courteous when approaching City snow removal equipment. Don’t assume they see you, please give them adequate room, and exercise patience.
-Mailboxes damaged by direct impact from a city snowplow will be repaired, but mailboxes that break from the force of the snow coming off the snowplow will not be repaired. The city will conduct a review of each mailbox damage claim to determine whether the city has responsibility for the damage and if so to repair.
–The city will repair turf that was damaged as a direct result of plowing beyond the road edge. All other damage within the public right-of-way is the owner’s responsibility (e.g. shrubs, bushes, rocks, trees, irrigation systems, driveways, etc.) Report snowplow damage to Sherrill Public Works at (315) 363-0370.
–The City of Sherrill, Sherrill-Kenwood Water District and the Sherrill-Kenwood Fire Department ask residents and businesses to help in keeping fire hydrants clear of ice and snow. It’s important to clear a minimum of three feet around the hydrant to give the Fire Department room to work and to get quick access in case of a fire. If a hydrant is lost or buried in snow, firefighters can lose valuable time trying to locate it when they first arrive at a fire.