City of Sherrill Department of Public Works

210 Elmwood Place, Sherrill, NY 13461
Phone (315) 363-0370, Fax (315) 363-0031


-Please remember to keep recyclables and garbage in separate containers and make sure all trash is in a garbage container (not just in a bag on the ground).

-Cardboard boxes must be broken down into squares no larger than 3’x3’ and should not be folded or placed into larger boxes.

-Please remember, the following items cannot be recycled- napkins, wax paper, paper towels, paper plates or cups, tissue paper, copier paper wrapping, metal hanging file folders, Tyvek shipping envelopes, frozen food and microwave cartons, wax coated corrugated cardboard like beer and soda boxes, pizza boxes with debris, plastic forks, knives or spoons, styrofoam, plastic bags, wrappers or wrapping, prescription medicine bottles, needles/syringes, motor oil boxes, clothes hangers, furniture, snack bags, toys, straws, plexiglass, pesticides, metals or light fixtures.

-Please remember to clean recyclable cans and bottles. 

-Recyclable materials may not be placed in bags.  Only shredded paper may be bagged, please use clear plastic bags.

-Please visit for more information about what is recyclable and how to dispose of items.

-Please be sure to place facial tissue and paper towels in tightly tied bags. 

-Proper Disposal of Needles/Syringes- They must be placed in a puncture proof container (like a laundry bottle with a top) and then when full the lid should be put on and then taped closed.  The container should then be labeled as “SHARPS” and put in the garbage.  



BLISS Garbage Pickup Map – Regularly scheduled garbage pickup takes place Wednesdays & Thursdays.  There is no specific time for which your refuse/recycling will be collected, however normal collection is between 6am-3pm.  Property owners may place their refuse/recycling in 35 gallon or less containers to the curb as early as 6pm the night before the collection day.

Please download a map here – Sherrill Refuse Route Map – Effective November 1, 2020

Transfer Station Information– The Transfer Station at the DPW is for Sherrill residents only and is open Saturdays 8am-1pm year round and Wednesdays from 4-7pm starting April 3, 2024 through October 23, 2024.

Fluorescent light bulbs, electronic waste & bulk items are not accepted at the curb but can be brought to the transfer station for proper disposal.

*Please note- While individuals must usually purchase coupons at City Hall at $5 each in order to drop things off, due to COVID-19 individuals will be able to drop things off by either using refuse coupons or by paying the fee via check made payable to the City of Sherrill. The fee/number of coupons needed varies based on size of the load.  Please see the fees below for more information.  Please see the fees below and call City Hall, (315) 363-2440 with any questions .

Transfer Station Fees – City Residents Only

Full size pickup, ½ to totally full  $75
Full size pickup, Empty to ½ full   $40
Small pickup, mini-Van or trailer, ½ to totally full $40
Small pickup, mini-Van or trailer, Empty to ½ full $25
Sedan Trunk load  $20
SUV Trunk load     $30
2-30 gallon garbage cans $20
Tires (each NO RIMS) $5
Tire Rim (each)  $5
Tires on rims  $15
Mattress (any size)     $20
Box Spring (any size)  $10
T.V. $20
Couch or Loveseat  $25
Recliner Chair $15
Computer monitor & Tower $25
Microwave $10
Treadmill $15
Hot Tub – 4person     $40
Air Conditioner, Refrigerator, Dehumidifier or similar items $20
Hot Water Heater, Stove, Washer, Dryer, Dishwasher $15
Toilet $10

No propane or fuel tanks

EWaste- Electronic equipment can also be disposed of at Utica or Rome EcoDrops.  Visit for more information.  Businesses like Best Buy and Staples also accept electronics and most cell phone stores will take back your device free of charge.

Battery Disposal- Under the “NYS Rechargeable Battery Law” it is illegal to toss rechargeable batteries in the trash in NYS. They contain toxic metals that can be released into the environment.  Rechargeable batteries contained in electronic products must be removed prior to disposal.  Batteries covered by this law include batteries for lap tops, cameras, cell phones, and rechargeable alkaline batteries. Household alkaline batteries should be placed in your trash for disposal. Previously, alkaline battery disposal posed environmental threat because of mercury content. Since mercury has been phased out of battery production, single-use alkaline battery disposal has become safer and such items should be placed with your trash.  Please visit for more information.

Wood Ashes- At the end of Fairway Lane, there is an area for dropping off properly extinguished wood ashes.

Compost- is available for residents to take at the end of Fairway Lane, adjacent to the Waste Water Treatment Plant.


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